our Mission
mature members in ministry with a mission for the glory of god
ccp newark is a church that belives in jesus christ and strives to love like he did..
The Church
We are a contemporary Christian community who have encountered the love of Jesus and are living out the gift of salvation in Him. We believe in the local and global church as the body of Christ who is empowered by the Holy Spirit through the love of the Father.
In Jesus, we are no longer slaves to sin but have freedom in Christ! Now, free from condemnation and separation from God, we can come to Him for salvation and true abundant life!
John 3:16 tells us that God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, Jesus to die for us so we could have life in Him! Everyone who believes in him will not die but have eternal life, because of this awesome love. Gods great love for us inspires our love others.
We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He came to redeem humanity from a lost eternity, to seek and to save which was lost and proclaim release to the captives. We believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the third day and one day, He will come back!
The Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit is the third person of the holy Trinity who is equal with the Father and the Son, as God. He lives in us and is our comforter, advocate, and helper. We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit who still gives spiritual gifts to be used for the edification of the Church today.
“From the beginning, the vision of Christian Community Presbyterian Church (CCP) was to be a church that is faithful to the Bible and relevant to the city of Newark. Its initial strategy was to focus on the Portuguese speaking community, but CCP grew, and now aims to serve the entire city through its ministries.. “
– Pastor Renato D Bernardes
Who We Are
We are humbled to get to serve the beautiful community of CCP NEWARK and strive to point to Jesus everything we do.

Renato Bernardes and his wife, Claudia, came to the United States in 1973. They are the proud parents of 3 children and 3 grand children. After earning degrees from Montclair State College (BA) and Princeton Theological Seminary, (MDIV). Renato was ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA) in 1985 and joined the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in 1989. That same year, he began serving as assistant pastor of CCP church (Comunidade Crista Presbiteriana) in Newark, New Jersey, and became senior pastor in 1993. He continues to serve there today. Renato was ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA) in 1985 and joined the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in 1989. That same year, he began serving as assistant pastor of CCP church (Comunidade Crista Presbiteriana) in Newark, New Jersey, and became senior pastor in 1993. He continues to serve there today.

Guilherme & Tiffany Oliveira
Pastors Assistant

Monica Galinari
Missions Coordinator

Dilneia Bernardes
Secretary & Prayer Ministry Leader

Keekee Sawan
CT Youth Ministry Leader

Kezia Paschoal
CCP Kids Director

Efraim Cross
Production Director